• Reflections: Conversations on Worldview and Christian Schooling

  • $20.00

  • Description

    A new practical and encouraging resource for educators and leaders, edited by Chris Prior and Fiona Partridge.

    As Christians, our lives are to be shaped by the biblical story.
    We should also want the Christian schools we are embedded in to be shaped by that same story. In the biblical narrative, we learn about God, about this world, and about who God desires us, as His people, to be. As followers of Christ, we are to seek the Kingdom of God. In Christ, we are invited into a new life. We are to love God and love our neighbour as we live our everyday lives, including as we engage in Christian schooling.

    The fostering of Christian school practices that are consistent with the beliefs we espouse requires intentionality. It requires Christian school boards who are intent on governing with biblical wisdom. It is enhanced by Christian school leaders who are faithful followers of Christ and committed to seeing a Christian vision for education realised in practice. It is positively impacted by a Christian staff who are able to, out of a love of God, navigate the Scriptures, and prayerfully apply them to their context. It is further supported by faithful Christian families who desire to work in covenant with other faithful Christ-followers in the education of their children. It is enriched by a student body that is willing to humbly learn and support each other, as well as the adults who offer them both an example and care.

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